Quick Guide

If what goes inside Li-ion batteries interests you and you want to simulate various possible parameters for a given input to a cell, this package is for you!


LiionBatteryModels.jl can be installed in 2 ways as below:

From Julia package manager

The simplest way to install is to install the package from the julia package manager. From the Julia REPL, type ] to enter the Pkg REPL mode and run:

pkg> add LiionBatteryModels

From Github

From the Julia REPL, type ] to enter the Pkg REPL mode and run:

pkg> add https://github.com/justary27/LiionBatteryModels.jl.git

Using the models

Presently there are 2 models implemented in the library. These are as below:


This is a reduced order model for a lithium ion cell with uniform reaction rate approximation. To start using the model, import it from the LiionBatteryModels core. We abbreviate it as sm for convinience.

import LiionBatteryModels.SenthilModel as sm


This is a closed form reduced order electrochemical model for lithium ion cells. To start using it import it from LiionBatteryModels core like previously. We abbreviate it as am for convinience.

import LiionBatteryModels.SenthilModel as am

For a detailed guide on how to use each model, see examples.